“Thank you for sharing the tape measure with me. I showed it to my hubby and he was more than impressed.
He literally owns at least 20 tape measures and he said this one is the best. It has ALL the right features, com
fort and quality. ” – S.D.

Case Histories

Objective: A major maker of corn seeds wanted to promote its newest seed product to farmers. The farmers needed to open the corn and check for kernel quality, color and moisture content. The company wanted to give out a product to the farmers that tied together the seeds and this inspection process. Gloves were chosen because Illinois Glove had a large inventory in stock and could deliver 28.000 pairs in a short period of time. The customer chose style 463 because they are strong leather gloves and the yellow color cuff tied in with the corn color and company logo colors.
Results: The result was that the promotion was a huge success because we were able to deliver on time and complete.

Objective: Kellog's Eggo Waffles wanted to promote their brand to the grocery stores carrying their product. It was decided that freezer gloves would be given out to the grocery store employees who stock the freezer section. This would promote the brand to the stores and promote the brand to the consumer who sees the Eggo logo on the worker's hands. Kellog's is an environmentally-conscious company, so they chose 100% recycled styles 2054 (size large) and 2057 (size small). The grip dots on the palms were perfect for gripping the frozen boxes. 
Results: Feedback has been very positive. Over 20,000 pairs have been handed out and Eggo continues to dominate the frozen waffle market. Kellog's is now using these gloves for other product promotions. 
Objective: A national chain of home-improvement stores was expanding and wanted to offer a free product to the customers with every $100 purchase. Because it was garden season, it was decided to offer garden gloves. Style 300 was chosen because these gloves are cut, puncture & abrrasion resistant - perfect for gardening and yard work. They also com in a women's size and men's size.
Results: The feedback was that the stores had hugely successful grand openings ansd sales were stronger than expected. 
Objective: The famous Boston Marathon provides a free "goody bag" of merchandise to all of the registered runners. A pair of runner's gloves, style 311, was included in each bag with the Boston Marathon logo on one hand and the sponsor's logo on the other hand. The race starts very early in the morning when the termperature is still cold, so gloves would keep their hands warm.
Results: Feedback has been very good and we continue to supply these gloves every year.
Objective: A major freight hauling company wanted to supply all drivers with a "welcom kit". It was detemined that gloves should be included in the kit because they would be useful and reduce hand injuries on the job. Illinois Glove supplied style 472 for these kits with a 3 color Heat Transfer company logo on both hands. Over the past two years we have shipped over 30,000 pairs of these gloves for the kits. 
Results: Feedback has been that the welcom kit has increased employee morale and hand injuries are down with fewer insurance claims.